[SONG] Coldplay/Everglow

By Natalia C - 星期六, 4月 15, 2017

Artist: Coldplay 酷玩樂團
Album: A Head Full of Dreams 夢過頭
Released Date: 2015/12/04
Label: Parlophone / Atlantic
Genre: Pop

Everglow 4'43"

Oh they say people come, say people go
This particular diamond was extra special
And though you might be gone, and the world may not know
Still I see you, celestial

Like a lion you ran,  a goddess you rolled
Like an eagle you circled, in perfect purple
So how come things move on, how come cars don't slow
When it feels like the end of my world
When I should but I can't let you go?

But when I'm cold, cold, oh when I'm cold, cold
There's a light that you give me, when I'm in shadow
There's a feeling you give me, an everglow

Like brothers in blood, sisters who ride
And we swore on that night we'd be friends til we die
But the changing of winds, and the way waters flow
Life as short as the falling of snow
And now I'm gonna miss you, I know

But when I'm cold, cold, in water rolled, salt
I know that you're with me and the way you will show
And you're with me wherever I go
And you give me this feeling, this everglow

Oh-  what I wouldn't give for just a moment to hold
Yeah I live for this feeling, this everglow

So if you love someone, you should let them know
Oh the light that you left me will everglow



喔 他們說緣份來去 過客匆匆
特別的鑽石 才會分外獨特
即使妳已離去 世界依然不變
我仍能看見 天上的妳

妳跑起來像頭雄獅 翻滾仍如女神
盤旋起來 如完美高貴的鷹
凡事怎能繼續運轉 車潮怎不停緩
就在我該讓妳走 卻放不了手的時候?

但當我感到心寒 喪志 喔 當我感到心寒 喪志
在我籠罩在陰影中時 妳給了我一道光
那就是妳給我的感覺 燦爛永恆

我們像是血脈相連的兄弟 並肩同行的姊妹
那夜我們曾相誓 彼此友誼至死不渝
但風雲萬變 流水難測
而此刻的我好想妳 我知道

但當我感到心寒 喪志 潮水翻騰 鹹澀難耐之時
我知道妳就在身邊 並指引著我
無論我所在何處 妳皆與我同在
妳給我的這股感覺 就是燦爛永恆

喔 我不會讓此刻稍縱即逝
是的 我會為了這燦爛永恆的感覺 繼續活著

所以 如果你愛著某人 就讓他們知道你的愛吧
喔 妳留給我的這道光 將永遠燦爛永恆




演唱會結束,還是聽了好幾天的 Coldplay。今天聽到這首〈Everglow 燦爛永恆〉,突然才意識到,竟是如此貼切。本來今天想改播別首的,但它實在太貼近這兩天的心情,就繼續冷玩下去吧~

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