Artist: Chicks on Speed 馬子快跑
Album: Will Save Us All!
Released Date: 2000 / 05 / 23
Label: Chicks On Speed Records / GO Records
Genre: Electronica
Glamour Girl 6'15"
Lyrics/Melody: Chicks on Speed
She's a glamour girl, she stands so still
Wears a feather bra, her hair so high
It starts to sway, when she brushes her teeth, five times a day
Burlesque attitude, night-time thrill
She's a glamour girl, and her looks just kills
Beware of her kiss, she'll suck you in, five times a day
She's a glamour girl, she stands so still
Wears a feather bra, her hair so high
It starts to sway, when she brushes her teeth
Five times a day, five times a day
Burlesque, attitude, night-time thrill
Beware of her kiss, her looks just kills
She's a glamour girl, she's a glamour girl, she's a glamour girl
She's a glamour girl, she stands so still
Wears a feather bra, her hair so high
It starts to sway, when she brushes her teeth, five times a day
Burlesque attitude, night-time thrill
She's a glamour girl, and her looks just kills
Beware of her kiss, she'll suck you in
(Love her breasts, and forget the rest)
She's a glamour girl, she stands so still
Wears a feather bra, her hair so high
It starts to sway, she brushes her teeth
Five times a day, five times a day
Burlesque, attitude, night-time thrill
She's a glamour girl, her looks just kills
Beware of her kiss, that spikes never met
She'll suck you in, she's in a spin
She's a glamour girl, she stands so still
Wears a feather bra, her hair so high
It starts to sway, when she brushes her teeth, five times a day
Burlesque attitude, night-time thrill
She's a glamour girl, and her looks just kills
Beware of her kiss, she'll suck you in
(Love her breasts, and forget the rest)
She's a glamour girl, she's a drama girl, she's a glamour girl
Chicks on speed, chicks on speed oh yeah
Chicks on speed, chicks on speed on yeah
Chicks on speed, oh yeah
She's a glamour girl, she stands so still
Wears a feather bra, her hair so high
It starts to sway, when she brushes her teeth
Five times a day (five times a day)
Burlesque attitude, night-time thrill
She's a glamour girl, and her looks just kills
Beware of her kiss, she'll suck you in, five times a day
She's a glamour girl (she's a glamour girl)
She's a glamour girl (she's a glamour girl)
She's a glamour girl (she's a glamour girl)
She's a glamour girl (she's a glamour girl)
(一二三四 上!)
她是時尚女郎 站得挺挺挺
穿著羽毛胸罩 頭髮梳高高
想要搖曳生姿 她一天得刷 五次牙
她的作風大膽 且夜夜笙歌
她是時尚女郎 美得驚死人
當心她的吻 一天就會 吸住你五次
她是時尚女郎 站得挺挺挺
穿著羽毛胸罩 頭髮梳高高
想要搖曳生姿 她一天得刷 五次牙 五次牙
她的作風大膽 且夜夜笙歌
當心她的吻 貌美得驚死人
她是時尚女郎 她是時尚女郎 她是時尚女郎
她是時尚女郎 站得挺挺挺
穿著羽毛胸罩 頭髮梳高高
想要搖曳生姿 她一天得刷 五次牙
她的作風大膽 且夜夜笙歌
她是時尚女郎 美得驚死人
當心她的吻 她會緊緊吸住你
(只愛她的酥胸 其他都不重要)
她是時尚女郎 站得挺挺挺
穿著羽毛胸罩 頭髮梳高高
想要搖曳生姿 她一天得刷 五次牙 五次牙
她的作風大膽 且夜夜笙歌
她是時尚女郎 美得驚死人
當心她的吻 從沒碰過釘子
她將轉身起舞 緊緊吸住你
她是時尚女郎 站得挺挺挺
穿著羽毛胸罩 頭髮梳高高
想要搖曳生姿 她一天得刷 五次牙
她的作風大膽 且夜夜笙歌
她是時尚女郎 美得驚死人
當心她的吻 她會緊緊吸住你
(只愛她的酥胸 其他都不重要)
她是時尚女郎 她是做作女郎 她是時尚女郎
馬子快跑 馬子快跑 喔耶
馬子快跑 馬子快跑 喔耶
馬子快跑 喔耶
她是時尚女郎 站得挺挺挺
穿著羽毛胸罩 頭髮梳高高
想要搖曳生姿 她一天得刷 五次牙 (五次牙)
她的作風大膽 且夜夜笙歌
她是時尚女郎 美得驚死人
當心她的吻 一天就會 吸住你五次
她是時尚女郎 (她是時尚女郎)
她是時尚女郎 (她是時尚女郎)
她是時尚女郎 (她是時尚女郎)
她是時尚女郎 (她是時尚女郎)
- - - - -

去年夏天他們來台參加「音樂航空站」的時候,現場氣氛整個都 high 起來了,好像一場正在運動場開跳的大型電音趴似的;不但如此,她們和台下親切的互動也令我印象深刻,儘管我沒有在台下久待,不過遠觀之也不失樂趣。
在親臨演出之前,我就已經非常喜歡這首〈Glamour Girl〉,撇開充滿諷刺的歌詞不說,光這動感旋律就是我的菜了。那天 COS 也有演出這首曲目,只不過相對於他們原本有些單調乏味的 Music Video 來說,當時舞台背景 LED 播放的〈Glamour Girl〉重新剪輯影片更深得我心,片中 models 穿著各式怪異鞋款或時裝走在奇怪的平台上而不斷跌倒出糗,加上 ANTM 評審們的經典嘴臉,聽著 COS 唱著〈Glamour Girl〉的歌詞,混合而成的譏諷效果當下實在讓我笑開懷(美麗果然是歷經痛苦/辛苦的)!那天回來的時候就很想找那段影片,不過後來忙著忙著也就給忘了。直至上個月我開始整理起我那亂七八糟的音樂硬碟,偶然聽到這首歌才想起來這件事,一找就馬上找到了。
說穿了,本文最主要想要分享的就是上面 Model 走秀的 Fail 影片啦XD~!提醒一下,如果你對「時尚」或「追求時尚」這類事情秉持著嚴肅、認真的態度,那我覺得你還是看到這裡就好……(畢竟歌曲和影片對於女人一昧追求時尚這件事嘲諷挺大的……)。但要是你對想成為名模的女人世界不熟悉,也沒看過 ANTM 這個節目的話,那看來笑笑無妨!(可是我覺得看過 ANTM 會笑更大…… : P)
Catwalk Runway 之路還真是難走啊~XD
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你好~可以請你幫一個忙嗎? 可以幫我翻譯這二個視頻嗎 都是關於mj的 我貼上網址