[KUSO] Taiwanese Vitas, 盧廣仲

By Natalia C - 星期三, 12月 12, 2007

昨天梧桐學長丟了這段影片給我看,實在快笑死。原來是 HitFM 的藝人側拍,原出處在這。(PS:可以多拜訪 HitFM 的 Vlog,還有其他的藝人側拍喔!)

還記得七月份的時候,連續好幾天 Christine 都訪問了盧廣仲,那時候只是聽過幾首他的歌,然後聽他上節目講話,一直覺得是個很害羞的大男孩,沒想到我被騙了XD。原來他的惡搞精神也是讓人豎起大拇指的!

看了原網頁的說明,原來是 Christine 要求探班的盧廣仲秀一下他曾在 live house 表演的模仿絕技,通常有求必應的盧廣仲就這樣露一手哩!這段影片還真是百看不厭!!哈哈哈~


Vitas Lu performed at 河岸留言

下面是原版的〈Опера №2 (Oprea #2)〉。我想大家比較熟悉的應該是 Vitas 的 live 版(因為網路最先開始流傳的就是那段影片),所以本來只想放比較少人看過的MV,但還是都放吧,選一個沒看過看。Live 的那個有繁體中文字幕喔,看中文字幕就不會跟廣仲一樣「聽攏無」了XD。

我知道 Vitas 很喜歡魚,也有人謠傳他是個有腮的傢伙,所以切換聲音運氣才能如此順暢。原來這個傳言是從MV來的呀……

Vitas' "Oprea #2" Music Video

Vitas performed "Oprea #2" live (with Chinese Subtitle)

好一陣子沒看到 HitFM 的人了,其實還滿想念那一起在福隆海邊聊天玩耍、歡樂的晚上,還有親切的 Christine。HitFM 真的是個既忙碌又歡樂的地方!XD(雖然我壓根沒忙過…但感覺得出來,哈。)常常看到裡頭的員工嘻鬧成一片,那也是我一直在追求的工作氣氛哪~!


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2 Comment

  1. I just watched this video and it is so funny just cause I don't understand that much of it. That dude is really going out on this one. LOL
    P.S. one of my favorite bands is from taiwan, ChthoniC, I saw them on Ozzfest this year and got all their signitures which was fucking sweet. They had the entire crowd moshing and that takes alot at Ozzfest.

  2. Wow, you know Chthonic! They are one of the most famous bands in Taiwan, and they are really awesome! Sometimes I will go to see their performances. I know they had a world tour this year, and it's really special that you were there. That means we have some kind of connection of music, ha.

    This guy in the film, Lu, sang Russian mixed with Taiwanese "I don't know what the hell you're singing" and it made me laugh over and over! :))
